TRIMMS is a visual basic (VB) application spreadsheet model that estimates the impacts of a broad range of transportation demand initiatives and provides program cost effectiveness assessment, such as net program benefit and benefit-to-cost ratio analysis.
TRIMMS evaluates strategies directly affecting the cost of travel, like public transportation subsidies, parking pricing, pay-as-you-go pricing, and other financial incentives. Subsidies are provided to the employee by the employer to reduce the costs associated with the use of a particular method of commuting. Subsidies can take different forms such as cash, discount passes, and vouchers.
How can I use Trimms?
TRIMMS also evaluates the impact of strategies affecting access and travel times and a host of employer-based program support strategies, such as:
TDM program support initiatives
Alternative work schedules
Flexible work hours
Worksite amenities
Rideshare matching services
Guaranteed ride home or emergency ride home for vanpool and carpool users
Vanpool formation support
Employee transportation coordinators
Compressed work week
Flexible working hours
Provision of childcare facilities
Presence of sidewalks connecting transit stops within or nearby the worksite
TRIMMS™ (Trip Reduction Impacts of Mobility Management Strategies) was developed by the National Center for Transit Research and the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida under a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Transportation.